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CENTRO CHURCH meets at Landala chapel. Welcome to join our international community. The right place to integrate with locals but also to meet others from all parts of the world. Adress: Landala Chapel, Kapellgången. Service times: Sundays 11 am

Different ways to give

CENTRO is supported by the regular donations from people who share the dream of a down-to-earth community that follows Jesus in our city and to the ends of the earth. You can give a one-time gift or become a monthly donor.


Where we gather

Join us on Sundays at 2 pm. Coffee from 1:45 pm.

Walleriusgatan 1, Göteborg
in Johannebergskyrkans Community Hall (not the main church cathedral - but the building next to it)

Find us on Google maps >>

We also have other groups meeting during the weeks - from Alpha, to Community Groups and Youth groups.